So over the last few years several of my "fans" and friends have asked me to teach photog classes. And as much as I would like to have a photography retreat once a month here the ranch, that is just not a possibility. But I love to teach and love the interaction with all of you so in response to all of that I am going to start a little group on Flickr. Flickr is a photo sharing community that is set up to handle lots of photos and is great for a group like this.
If you would like to improve your clickin' skills and your artistic view, please join our group!!! Whether you are a mom with a cannon power shot and you would like to take better pics of your own kiddos or you have a big dog camera and your own business, I hope you help you all. You need a Flickr account which is easy peasy to sign up for, and its free at its basic level and that is all you will need for this group. You don't have to have a fancy camera I am a true believe that beautiful images can be taken with any camera, its just understanding how your camera and light work together.
Here is the link to the group: Miz Wildflower Says... If you are not a member of Flickr go sign up first and then come back here and click the link and join.
Now here is the dealeo!!!!
WEEKLY CHALLENGE ~Each week I will post a challenge here at the blog and on the flicker group. If you can do it that week great if not, no big deal, no pressure just learning and fun.
MONTHLY CHALLENGE~At the beginning of the month I will also post a monthly challenge.
POP QUIZ ~ surprise challenges whenever the inspiration strikes.
GOLD STARS ~ Each week there will be a few Gold Star photos that will be featured on the blog and in facebook. I am rattling around the idea of prizes but not sure yet, so for now let's just say its for joy of being picked :)
REPORT CARDS ~ Anytime you post an image in the group you can place in the description that you would like a report card, and I will give the photo an honest critique. Over the last few years of posting images I have TONS of positive comment but words like stunning, lovely, and breathtaking {although great for the ego} didn't do anything to improve my work. I will do my best to tell you what I think the best and the worst aspects of the photo. This will be a growing tool for those of you brave enough to face Miz Wildflower :) I promise I will be infinitely kind and honest :)
HALL MONITORS ~ As I get to know you all I hope to bring on a few of you as additional teachers and overseers but lets get to know each other first :)
FINAL EXAMS ~ not sure what and when this will be.....but maybe a weekend together :)
Here are few rules:
Keep it clean!!! no nakedness, rudeness, lewdness, or crabbiness!!
Lots of love, joy, kind truthfulness, LOLing!!!
NO old photos!!! please take each challenge as an opportunity to grow and take new images......there maybe a few editing challenges where I will ask for old photos but that will be the exception!!!
OK I think that about covers it!!! are you ready????
Miz Wildflower
i'm super excited!